For more information or changes in registration please contact Registration Coordinator: Sandy Korba 618 251-9646

McPike Mansion
​Tour Registration
2018 Alby Street
Alton, Illinois
Sharyn and George Luedke 
cell 618 830 2179
April 26th adult $20
View shopping cart
2025 TOURS: Tours – Adults $20 /Teens 13-17 $10 / Child 6-12 $5
Sat April 26th   7:30pm – Celebrating Mother Earth tour 

Adult  $20
April 26th tour teen $10
April 26th child $5
Sat May 17th   7:30pm – Armed Forces Tour 

May 17th Adult Tour $20
May 17th Teen Tour $10
May 17th Child Tour $5
Under Construction - Thanks for your patience.
The Above tours are available for registration.

The other tours will be available for registration soon.  For a list of the dates please visit our Tours and events page. 
Sat June 21st     7:30pm – Flag Day Tour 

June 21st  Adult $20
June 21st  Teen $10
June 21st  Child $5
Teen $10
Child $5
Child $5
Child $5
Teen $10
Adult  $20
Adult  $20
Teen $10